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Jeff Rodriguez
3 min read
Stop Trading Your Time For Money And Start Creating Passive Income
There are three types of income that you can create.
Check out our blog to learn more.

Jeff Rodriguez
4 min read
Are you a solopreneur or an entrepreneur?
There are many motivated, action taking, hardworking warriors in the battlefield of business. Many of these grinders enjoy the freedom of...

Jeff Rodriguez
4 min read
The SEC’s Definition of Accredited Investor and what it means for You
Do you watch financial news and wonder “with so much investment opportunity out there how am I limited to stocks, bonds, and mutual...

Jeff Rodriguez
5 min read
What Is a Private Real Estate Fund?
A private real estate fund is a vehicle that is tailored specifically towards real estate investing.

Jeff Rodriguez
3 min read
An Overview on Real Estate Syndication
An overview on SYNDICATION and how it pertains to investing. Growing an investment portfolio for yourself and the legacy of your family,...

Philippe Schulligen
4 min read
Investing in Real Estate vs. Relying on a 401k: Two Drastically Different Retirement Outcomes
It used to be that you went to college, got a good job with a pension, and rode that wave until the day you retired. Things aren’t like...

The Boost Capital Group Blog
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